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Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair Set to Open Next Month

The highly anticipated International Wine & Spirits Fair  will be back on 7 Nov. The fair will bring together exhibitors from 20 countries and regions, including local representatives from Hong Kong and Mainland China, as well as international participants from Belarus, the Czech Republic, France,


Cathay HK IWSC 2023 Judges Successfully Concluded Judging

The 2023 Cathy Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition (HK IWSC) launched its highly anticipated judging week from 19th to 22nd September in The Arca . This prestigious event brought together a remarkable assembly of 66 industry judges, each possessing extensive expertise and qualifications.


2023 亞洲最佳葡萄酒及烈酒賽果揭曉

香港國際美酒品評大賽(HK IWSC)在2023年慶祝其第15屆葡萄酒及烈酒大賽,並於11月3日在香港國際美酒展頒獎典禮上公佈完整賽果,該典禮更提供了在亞洲對葡萄酒及烈酒風格和口味偏好的趨勢概況。

大賽評審副主席 Sarah Wong 宣布,共有 61 個特等獎頒發給來自世界各地的葡萄酒、烈酒、清酒和啤酒生產商。除此之外,還頒發了 109 枚金獎、341 枚銀獎和 468 枚銅獎。


HKIWSC 2022 Results Announced

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