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    Judges Q & A - Eddie Nara

    "I conduct tastings and masterclasses on behalf of more than 20 different spirit brands and am a spirit judge for the Cathay Pacific HKIWSC as well as the IWSC"


    The 2016 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition is now open for entries!

    The  Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition  is now open for entries. The competition launches today at Vinexpo and sees the addition of exciting new dishes for the food and wine matching category


    Young communicator of the year announced

    10 November, 2015 (Hong Kong):  Following a flurry of wine and spirits activity in Hong Kong last week with the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair, Elliot Faber has been announced as the wine and spirits industry’s “Young Communicator of the Year”


    Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2015 Results Announced

    (5 November 2015) After 800 hours of judging, 18,000 glasses washed, and 400 spittoons emptied, the 29 judges from 13 countries have finished tasting the thousands of samples entered into this year’s competition. 


    HKIWSC Food and Wine Pairing Trophies Announced!

    Judging is now over for Asia’s premier wine and spirit competition – the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition (HKIWSC).


    HKIWSC Opens 2015 Competition

    Asia’s original and premier wine and spirit competition, the   Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition   (HKIWSC), has now begun receiving wine and spirit entries.


    Rebecca Leung AIWS Announced as the Cathay Pacific HKIWSC's Young Communicator of the Year Award Winner

    (6 November 2014) Asia’s original and premier wine and spirit competition, the  Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition  (HKIWSC), announces the 2014 Young Communicator of the Year as Rebecca Leung AIWS.


    2014 Winners Announced

    (6 November 2014) Asia’s original and most well-respected wine and spirit competition, the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition (HKIWSC), today released the results of the 6th annual Competition.


    『2013國泰航空香港國際美酒品評大賽』結果公佈 澳洲破紀錄奪13項獎杯及32項金獎

    來自亞洲各國的評審10月遠赴香港,以「盲測品評」的方法評鑑來自30個國家的參賽葡萄酒及烈酒,包括巴巴多斯、加拿大、智利、多米尼加共和國、英國、印度、日本和墨西哥等。今年星級評判,包括澳洲釀酒師、知名國際品酒界大師Vanya Cullen及Burn Stewart調酒師及酒廠主管Ian MacMillan,連同亞洲業內頂尖的人士組成評判團。


    『2013國泰航空香港國際美酒品評大賽』大獎公佈 年度青年酒評人大獎

